Barry Kirkey...what a fucking hypocrite.
The guy has a fucking radio show where he douches on people all day long, and exposes information about them. He even talks about all the pics of them, the pics of their girlfriends and everything.
And then when the same thing happens to him, what does he do?
He does what all the fucking gurus tried to do, he makes legal threats!!!
What a fucking retard.
What are you going to do when you become famous Barry, like you keep telling everyone is going to happen? What are you gonna do when the paparazzi are chasing you and your girlfriend down, trying to take pics of you all day long???
Oh, that's right, nevermind, that's never going to happen because your radio show sucks, you fucking loser.
P.S. Barry I love you, you are my hero for realz dawg. But you are really easy to make fun of when you pull stupid shit like this.